Author of the Amazon bestselling 'believable' Time Travel novels - with dollops of humour, a smattering of romance, and liberally sprinkled with mystery.

Adrian Cousins, who just loves anything remotely to do with time travel, is the author of the Amazon bestselling, light-hearted, humorous time travel novels set in the UK in the 1970s and ’80s.
He’s always enjoyed storytelling (having a vivid imagination) and, during his leadership career in the cut and thrust of food retail, he learnt that such a skill is the greatest tool to engage and lead teams. So, in 2021, after deciding to leave the retail treadmill behind, he launched his author career and is now creating his tenth novel – Blink of her Eye.
Born in the ’60s, just fitting into the baby-boomer generation, and after moving at a young age from Sussex to Norfolk, Adrian spent his youthful years in Norwich. He attended the Eaton City of Norwich School in the days when schoolmasters wore gowns and mortarboards, and the cane still existed as an encouragement tool.

Adrian has three grown-up sons, who provide tech support when required, and now lives with his wife Jane in Bedfordshire. As a passionate Norwich City fan – a close friend once said – this was all the proof you needed to know that he has a wicked, dry sense of humour.
Adrian now spends most of his time hunkered down in his home office, surrounded by post-it notes and a large whiteboard which he uses to thrash out ideas and plots for his books. He has a passion for reading (obviously) and not just time-travel stories, collecting art – JJ Adams being a particular favourite – and listening to music whilst writing, anything from The Clash to the beautiful Doris Day.
Adrian loves hearing from his readers, so please get in touch. You can either message him or subscribe to his email list. He promises no spam and will always respond.
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